Motivation and performance

As a business leader you rely on your people to create healthy customer relationships.  Offering performance incentives is a vital way of protecting your future.  In the good times you may be happy to pay bonuses and rewards, but motivation is essential when the market is challenging.  Sustaining staff commitment and loyalty is a continuous process.

Incentives and recognition

With every investment you expect a return.  Your success is not measured purely in financial terms.  Reward and  recognition go hand in hand.  Incentives should be tailored to suit the profile and interests of your people.  Incentives provide an effective opportunity to set clear objectives and define the contribution that you seek from your team.

Internal communication and dialogue are important in maintaining morale and encouraging exceptional performance.  Invest in your people just as you would with capital equipment. 

Incentives that work for you

Every organisation is different, but many aspects of performance management are universal.  In order to maximise your return on investment, these factors need to be part of your planning:

  • Consultation and dialogue when planning change
  • Clear communication and transparency in setting objectives
  • Including all staff in the introduction and implementation of incentives
  • Regular feedback on progress
  • Rewards that resonate and motivate
  • Sharing results and future plans at the end of each incentive programme.